Langzeitstudium am der Bootham School/York College

German School Partners with: Bootham School/York College

Our partnerships with 30 German schools offer significant subsidised long study opportunities for partner school students in the beautiful city of York in the United Kingdom. Non partner students are welcome to apply but please note subsidies are not available.

A list of all our partner schools are listed in our: ‘Long Stay Information Pack – including application – for Bootham School’.

(A PDF of this pack is available on this web page: ‘Information Pack’; however, you will need a word document version to make an application, so please email Jon Bell for an Information Pack.)

Please note we are NOT agents charging agent fees, and have no tie-in contracts or anything of that nature. Our long stays are based on flexibility and goodwill.

For all our partner schools, we do not charge any ‘Legal Guardian Fees.’ For commercial companies this is anything between £1,500 and £2,000 per academic year. We look after student 24x7 but there is no charge for any part of this service.

Interested? First, you will notice that this section of the web is in English NOT German, because if you cannot read it comfortably then the long stay is probably not for you. Your level of English must be at least at B2 Common European Level, coupled with a very hard working and DYNAMIC personality.

Most students attending the long stay programmes have completed our ‘Embrace England’ short stay camps, but it’s not a necessary requirement. The duration of the long stays are:

1 term     ·    2 terms     ·    6 months 1 year (3 terms)     ·    2 years at:

York Bootham School:
49-57 Bootham
York YO30 7BU

Telephone: 0044 1904 623261

York College:
Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe
York YO23 2BB

Telephone: 0044 1904 770100

The story of our Partnerships with German Schools:

In 2009, Jim Tomlinson who was the Acting Head at Whitby College, wanted to recruit German students into the Sixth Form to add a little bit of ‘European sophistication’. He worked with the then Head Teacher at Huntington School, and both schools actively promoted the long stay opportunities. After a few years, it was clear York was the main attraction and from that point onwards long stays were only available at Huntington School.

From 2010-20, over 150 German students from German schools studied at Huntington School, where the emphasis was on academic achievement in a ‘Happy and Safe’ environment.

Our pastoral support system guaranteed host families were carefully selected, trained and DBS checked. German parents knew the students were cared for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Each year we visited our partner schools in Germany and presented the ‘Long Stay Opportunities at Huntington School.’

However, as a result of Brexit, state schools with Sixth Forms, such as Huntington School, are no longer permitted to have long stay German students. With great sadness, the long stays with Huntington School stopped in 2020-21.

However, York schools, via an educational collaborative, were determined to create new subsidised opportunities for German partner school students to study in York with Bootham School, as they are still permitted to have long stay students.

For our partner schools – Bootham School provides:

  1. Reduced fees of up to 15%
  2. Free legal Guardian services
  3. Step by step guidance for any Visa applications

Since Jim’s retirement. Jon Bell was appointed the Bootham School contact for all our partner schools in Germany. Jon is actively wanting to create mor ties and expand the partnerships.