Online Learning

Pre-Online Course Assessment

Our teachers are skilled at differentiating between students’ abilities and teaching to the right level for each student’s needs. We make every effort to put students into groups based on their ability (not age) so that lessons have the right level of challenge.

To help us achieve this effectively we would like you to complete the following Pre-Online course Assessment. This is a very important part of the process and maximises the potential of online learning. Please do not submit your ‘registration’ without completing the assessement first.

The pre-course assessment link is available to download in PDF and Microsft Word formats below and we ask you to complete this by yourself. It has a range of question styles. You can take as long as you like to complete it but it usually takes approximately 1 hr. When you have finished we would like you to mark the assessment yourself! The answers for the test come after the questions.

Pre-Online Course Student Assessment - Questions and Answers.doc
Microsoft Word · 200KB

Pre-Online Course Student Assessment - Questions and Answers.pdf
Adobe PDF · 230KB