Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen

Erfahrungsberichte der Schüler: Amelie

Amelie Amelie during her trip to Edinburgh

I enjoyed my 3 month in England a lot! I think it’s a great experience. I also improved my English while I was here and made new friends! In general it can be said that you get a great impression of England and when you return to Germany you have many stories to tell! I did the ‘Embrace England’ short-camp and think you can get a good overview on how your stay abroad could be. The fact that my school is a partner school was a big advantage because it made the communication so much easier. I definitely don’t regret the decision to go abroad and I’m going to miss my time here a lot!

German One Year Stay Students 2017/18

Embrace England 2018

In general it can be said that you get a great impression of England and when you return to Germany you have many stories to tell.
